
Posts Tagged ‘freebsd’

Vous pouvez pas faire comme tout le monde ?

March 17th, 2008

Alors dans le noyau FreeBSD, ou que vous vous trouviez, les champs des headers TCP/IP sont toujours dans le formatshardware. Ca oblige a faire pleins de htons()/ntohs() meme si on a pas besoin de les toucher (et du coup il y en a partout..). Dans NetBSD, ils ont garde le format reseau. Et C’EST BEAUCOUP PLUS SIMPLE! Meme un paquet recupere via pfil() va etre different sur les deux OS. Alors que le reste (fonction, structure..) est quasiment identique. Bordel..

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March 12th, 2008

I wrote gdksetroot because I need this program. And perhaps, this will be useful for you. It only set your X background image with the filename specified. Or an random wallpaper if you give a directory containing your background images.

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drlb-0.7 available

February 21st, 2008

Many changes for this new release. State of connexion have been improved. The module compile and load on NetBSD-current (but is not usable due to problem with rtalloc1()). IPv6 is supported but not tested !

Please forgot the previous release, there is a bug on server deletion.

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drlb-0.6 available !

January 12th, 2008


this is the first public release of drlb! drlb stand for Direct Routing Load Balancer. This is a software load balancer that support only direct routing operating mode. It works on FreeBSD. I’m working on the NetBSD version.

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